Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dante believes fraud to be a more evil sin than murder and suicide and expresses this feeling in Inferno. In Circle 7, Dante begins by going through a round dedicated to those whom committed murder. These murderers are submerged in a pit of boiling blood which Dante explains, "But turn your eyes to the valley; there we shall find/the river of boiling blood in which are steeped/all who struck down their fellow men" (112). The blood symbolizes all of the blood which they had spilled throughout their lives. He next moves through a round for those whom have committed suicide. We now see the sinners portrayed as trees which can only express how they feel when they are torn apart. Because when they were alive they would only express themselves through hurting themselves, the same is in death. Dante states, "Its foliage was not verdant, but nearly black/the unhealthy branches, gnarled and warped and tangled/bore poison thorns instead of fruit" (119). Here Dante wonders what the vines actually are and questions if they are the actual souls. These sins are rather high up for having killed someone, or oneself.

As Dante continues his journey he ventures into a round dedicated to those whom have been violent against God, nature, and to art. Those considered violent against art are men and women whom have charged interest throughout their life. He considers all of these sins as worse than committing murder and shows this by making them lower in hell. These men and women are all punished by having what they wanted in life flaunted before them, out of reach, in death.

As previously discussed in class, alienation is oftentimes viewed worse than union. When one commits murder, whether it be for a good cause or not, there is still a reason which you do it and many times the murderer is connected to some other organization or group. Although someone suffers, someone else is being benefited. The same goes for suicide. When someone commits suicide, they are finally at peace with themselves. Fraud is different than these. When someone uses fraud to get ahead they are doing it solely for self-cause. The person committing fraud is alienating himself from society because he is showing that all he cares about is making money and not the people surrounding him.

I do not agree with Dante's view on these sins. I believe that murder is much worse than fraud because, by murdering one person, many others are suffering. If a girl is murdered, that girl has parents and sometimes siblings, along with friends all of whom suffer when that one girl is killed. I think that murder is an extreme act which can never be fixed while fraud, while still bad, can be fixed and one's actions can be changed. While money will also be around, once a person is killed, they will never come back.

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